Mario Feit
Associate Professor Political Science- Education
Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University 2004
- Specializations
Political Theory
- Biography
Mario Feit is Associate Professor of Political Theory at Georgia State University. His research areas are in modern and democratic political theory. In particular, Dr. Feit writes about political dimensions of time. He is working on a book manuscript on Democratic Impatience, which recuperates impatience as a democratic virtue and temporality. This work engages the Book of Job, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr., W.E.B. DuBois, feminist theory, and literatures of social acceleration. Portions of this book project have been published in Contemporary Political Theory and in Political Theology. Dr. Feit won the award for best article published in 2017 in Contemporary Political Theory for his “Democratic Impatience: Martin Luther King, Jr. on Democratic Temporality.” His current research builds on his book Democratic Anxieties: Same-Sex Marriage, Death, and Citizenship (Lexington, 2011), which employs another time horizon – mortality – to think about democratic inclusion. He also published on the democratic theory of Thomas Paine.
- Publications
Democratic Anxieties: Same-Sex Marriage, Death, and Citizenship (Lexington Books, 2011)
“Intimations of Democratic Impatience: The Book of Job,” in: Political Theology, vol. 19, no. 5, (August 2018), 421-438
“Thomas Paine and Democratic Contempt,” in: Democratic Moments, ed. by Xavier Marquez (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), 81-88
“Democratic Impatience: Martin Luther King, Jr. on Democratic Temporality,” in: Contemporary Political Theory, vol. 16, no. 3 (August 2017), 363-386
“For the Living: Thomas Paine and Generational Democracy,” in: Polity, vol. 48, no. 1 (January 2016), 55–81
“Wolin, Time and the Democratic Temperament,” Theory & Event, vol. 15, no. 4 (2012)